Dear all.
Gospel reading
Yesterday’s lyrical gospel reading relating to the Annunciation (Luke 1:24 – 38) contains a profound truth. Here we are presented with a young, betrothed, maid who is confronted by an angel of the Lord who greets her with: “Hail, O favoured one, the Lord is with you!” Mary’s first response is, not unnaturally, one of fear. After the angel mollifies her fear she is told many strange and wonderful things to which her response is: “I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.”.
Mary, by voluntarily accepting what had been proposed to her made herself available as a vessel and as mother of God. It is for this reason she is called Theotokos. It is for this reason we can say that she saves the world. For without Mary there is no incarnation and without the incarnation there is no Christianity.
Mary, gave herself to God. By so doing she demonstrates that we have also to give ourselves to God if we are to be called the sons of God. Freely accepting what comes our way with good grace, equanimity, humility and with love is the mark of a good Christian life. The Christian life is not measured in how successful we are in this world but rather how well we have prepared for the next.
Today, as we go about our busy lives, we need to take time to reflect upon the courage of this young woman some 2000 years ago. Faced with the awesomeness of the unknown she declared: “let it be done to me according to your word”. I just wonder how many of us would be prepared to take that leap into the unknown today.
May we all continue to receive strength and encouragement from the mother of God. May we all continued to say: “Theotokos, Virgin, Hail favoured one, Maria; the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
Easter programme 2018
I attach the Easter programme for our church here. Please print it out and place it at a convenient place for reference. The programme will also be on our church website. Let us all together gird ourselves for the holy Easter week.
Programme for this week
The programme this week is as follows: Compline 3:15 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Friday at 3 PM we will have the canon of Lazarus. Also do not forget on Wednesday and Friday the liturgy of pre-sanctified gifts 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM. Catechism class on Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM; adult bible class from 7 PM to 8 PM.
The making of crosses for Palm Sunday
On Friday after the liturgy of the pre-sanctified gifts we will be making crosses for Palm Sunday at our Church. This will start approximately 10 AM. Please bring a plate of Lenten food to share. All are invited.
Programme for Lazarus Sunday
On Saturday, 31 March the programme will be as follows: matins and liturgy in relation to the feast day of Lazarus (8 AM – 10 AM), a small break for a cuppa coffee and refreshment, the laying down of floor coverings and decorating the church for Palm Sunday and at 1 PM we will be holding Vespers and thereafter the service of the smaller sanctification of the waters.
Due to the first Sunday of the month being Palm Sunday there will be no loukoumades.
Gofundme page
You will recall that a few Saturdays ago we held the sacrament of holy unction for Kristian Hoogenkamp as well as a chain of prayer for him over several days. Young Kristian is doing poorly but he is strengthened with our thoughts and prayers. I now call upon the faithful to assist materially. Kristian’s parents have both taken time off work to be with him at this most difficult time. A Gofundmepage for Kristian Hoogenkamp organised by Karen Morton has been established to assist this family financially. If we can alleviate the financial stressor for them then we are doing the work of Christ. Please help.
If you are seeking to have your confession heard please contact me on the telephone number below. I am hearing confessions on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30 PM. If that time does not suit please let me know and we can arrange another suitable time.
Thought for the week
The only way to overcome fear is to confront that which causes the fear in you. When we are called to judgement it will not be on the strength of our fears that we will be judged upon but rather what we did to overcome them. May we, like Mary, have the strength to say: “let it be done to me according to your word.”
Til next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou – 0411 061 554
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