Dear all.
Gospel Reading
Yesterday’s gospel (Matthew 14:14 – 22) of the multiplication of the five loaves and two fish requires deep reflection. The scientists tell us that matter cannot be created or destroyed. That means that whichever way you look at it five loaves and two fish will always remain as five loaves and two fish unless other loaves and other fish are added into the calculation. That is human knowledge.
This human knowledge is perhaps what led the disciples to ask Jesus to dismiss the people (of which we are told were about 5000 men besides women and children) in a “lonely place” so that they could go and buy food for themselves. That is a human solution – whether sensible or not is another matter, for where on earth in a “lonely place” could such quantity of food be found so as to satisfy all the people is beyond comprehension.
In the book of Genesis we are reminded that God created everything “out of nothing” and in love by the power of his word. God also created the laws that cause the universe to sing in harmony. Just as he created the laws he can, at will, vary, suspend or altar them.
I just wonder at the deep parallels between what occurs ” in the beginning” (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1) and what occurs in this gospel reading. Matter in the form of enough loaves and fish not only to feed all the people but to have 12 full baskets of the broken pieces left over is created – how?: By the power of his word; and his motive?: To manifest his love for humankind.
St Maximus the Confessor calls man a microcosm. In other words man encompasses all of creation. In man, Christ sees what is “very, very good”. Man is worthy of salvation. It is for this reason that Christ continues to manifest his love and to always invite us to follow him. This is divine knowledge, which God has manifested, through his Son, to us all.
Programme this week is as follows.
- Tuesday 6:45 PM adult education class continues. Hopefully, we will look at some of the other religions at the time of Christ as well as the shepherd of Hermas;
- Thursday, St Paraskevi – matins from 7:30 AM;
- Friday,St Panteleimon – matins from 7:30 AM;
- Saturday, Divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM (note no morning tea afterwards as we will be going to the hall of Alexander the great to assist in preparation for our Sunday lunch)
Food bank
A thank you to all for continued support our food bank. If anyone knows of anyone who needs assistance please let me know. There is no shame in sharing but there is shame in allowing our fellow human to go hungry. All communication is confidential. If you wish to assist financially the account details are: BSB 082057 account 616004624.
July luncheon
We have commenced selling our tickets for our luncheon which is held jointly with the Florina brotherhood of Western Australia. The luncheon is on Sunday, 29 July at the Hellenic Macedonian centre – “Alexander the Great” and commemorates the feast day of St Pantelemonas. Tickets are $25 adults and $15 for children. Please support your Church and the Florina brotherhood. A special thank you to Zak and the Souvla boys who will be barbecuing our lunch. Tickets are still available.
Thought of the week
There is a saying that “all roads lead to Rome”. That may well be true of the earthly Rome but it most certainly is not true for the heavenly Jerusalem. And the way to the heavenly Jerusalem is clear: it is the Lord who is not only the way but also the truth and the life. You see, there is no relativism in Christian belief – and just as there is only one Christ there can only one holy, catholic and apostolic church.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou – 0411061554
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