Dear all.
Gospel reading
Yesterday’s gospel reading (Luke 6:31 – 36) contains the golden rule of Christian faith: “and as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.” Reading that pericope we are left with a clear understanding that if we seek mercy from our Father, we ourselves must extend mercy. So, it is through love of the other in the totality of fullness that we can hope to find the love of God.
But what do we do with other readings of the gospel that point us in a different direction? Christ himself says: “do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” (Luke 12:51) Christ himself tells is that households will be divided – father against child and child against father. How does that accord with the central tenant of love, and turning the other cheek to enemy embedded in yesterday’s reading?. I could multiply examples – but one will suffice.
This is where understanding the gospel becomes difficult. This is where begin to understand that perhaps being able to read the gospel does not equate to understanding it. So, how are we to understand. I think that we need to be careful to acknowledge the particular concrete situations that Christ found himself in. We have to separate the various words of Christ and contextualise them within the understanding of his evolving ministry.
One thing we cannot do is conflate them and endeavour to raise a universal principle. So what does that mean to you and me? It means that there are boundaries in all things. We need to be followers of Christ and then as followers of Christ we need to see the image of God in the other, whoever they may be. So, we do love neighbour and we treat them as we ourselves want to be treated. Does that mean that for the sake of peace we take the attitude that all roads lead to God? Certainly not! – But that does not stop us from doing what we can as an expression of our love for Christ.
The upshot is that we live our life in Christ and as Christians we live his teachings. Let others who seek to follow different teachings go their own way. Let them treat us as they will – but let us treat them as we would want them to treat us, even though we strongly suspect that they would not.
Programme for the week
The programme for this week is as follows:
- Tomorrow evening 6:45 PM adult class: topic “Saint Dionysius the Aeropagite and the teachings attributed to him” (in honour of the feast day to be held the following day)
- Wednesday morning St Dionysius the Aeropagite matins from 7:30 AM.
- Saturday: apostle Thomas; matins in Greek 7:30 AM, divine liturgy in English from 9 AM.
Food store
I want to thank all of you who have supported our food store to date. We are in need of cooking oil, sugar, flour, canned meat and fish. If you wish to support the enterprise financially the account details are: BSB 082057 account 616004624.
Thought of the week
Attributed to Alexander the Great “I’m not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” In light of the above this thought appears apposite.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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