Dear all.
Gospel Reading
Yesterday’s gospel of the rich ruler (Luke 18:18 – 27) poses the singularly most important question that occupies all Christians: “what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” This is a question that you and I should have uppermost in our minds as we go about our daily life.
As you ponder and reflect that question something else occurs: you come to the realisation that eternal life is not of this world and that the things of this world are transitory, lack meaning and substance and inevitably fade to nothingness. Yet, how many of us in this ungodly world choose the things of this world in preferences to the promise of the next?
This dilemma is not new: the Wisdom of Solomon declares that ungodly men reason unsoundly (2:1) that life comes to an end with our last breath so: “let us enjoy the good things that exist, and make use of the creation to the full as in youth. Let us take our fill of costly wine and perfumes. Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds before they wither. Let none of us fail to share in our revelry, everywhere let us leave signs of enjoyment, because this is our portion, and this is our lot. Let us oppress the righteous poor man, let us not spare the widow nor regard the grey hairs of the aged. But let our might be our law of right, and what is weak proves itself to be useless.” (2:6 – 11)
Western Man inclines to self-gratification. As a product of reason we take the attitude that it is better to trust in horses and chariots (Psalm 20:7) than in the Lord. So, we make certain that we have enough so we can say to our soul: “soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry” (Luke 12:19)
Simply put, our inclination leads us to the path of peridition. After all, are we not the children of “the fall” and is not our inherited character postlapsarian? No wonder Christ says that with man nothing is possible but with God all things are possible.
Programme for the week
The programme for this week is as follows: Tuesday evening 6:45 p.m. Adult Studies: “the deuterocanonical works – what are they and how important are they?” (Please bring your Bible preferably with the deuterocanonical texts); Friday: feast day of St Andrew the first called – divine liturgy from 730 a.m.; Saturday first December divine liturgy in English 9 a.m. to 10: 15 a.m.
Around our parish
Do not forget that Sunday, being the first Sunday of the month, our ladies will be making for sale Loukoumades – so make certain to get your order in early. We will also be holding a lesser sanctification of the waters on that day.
The feast day of Saint Nicholas in Bunbury is being celebrated again this year: the program is as follows: 6th December (being the feast day itself) divine liturgy from eight a.m. to 10 a.m.; Saturday the eighth December Vespers six p.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday the ninth of December divine liturgy 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. thereafter a luncheon will be presented at the hall. For further details contact 9446 6301.
Mark it in your diaries: the Sunday school breakup party and concert will be on Sunday the 23rdof December at 5 PM. Mums and dads please bring a plate of fasting food (remember no fish!). Come and enjoy our children and Christmas carol singing.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our food store. We have now purchased shelving and will be offering clothing to those in need. Please take care to consider your offering. We are offering clothing not to the poor but to Christ himself. If you think that it is good enough for our Lord and King then please bring it to our church. We continue to look for more groceries. If you wish to help financiallythe account details that our store operates from are: BSB 082057 account 616004624.
Please help yourself to the Vema newspaper. It is free and full of news of interest. It is available as you walk into the church.
The morning tea roster has now been posted. Please make sure to read it so you know when you are rostered for duty. If the date allocated is not suitable please contact me. Also, we have a number of spaces available on the flower roster. Please, if you have a name day, commemoration or otherwise want to see our church beautified, put your name down. Thank you.
Thought of the week
Thought of the week: one of the truest aphorisms surely must be this: “charity is a virtue of the heart and not of the hands. Gifts and giving, coming from the hands, are the expressions of this virtue and are not the essence”. You see, unless charity is given from the heart it is lifeless. After all, charity is love in action. So, think about this when you give – whatever it may be..
Until next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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