Dear all.
All the faithful would by now be aware of the passing of our spiritual father, his Eminence Archbishop Stylianos. The program for internment is that on Friday, 29 March our late Archbishop will be in repose for public veneration from 4 PM and overnight at the Cathedral church of the Annunciation of our Lady in Redfern, Sydney. A Hierarchical Divine Liturgy will be held the following morning from 7 AM and followed by the funeral service after which our late Archbishop will be put to rest at Rookwood Cemetery. For those of us not in a position to attend the service to commemorate the loss of our Shepherd there will be live streaming of the event on the Facebook page of Archdiocese of Australia. Please tune in as a token of esteem and appreciation of the wonderful work that his late Eminence did not only in advancing our church by taking it from the ” immigrant status” to ” mainstream”, his great work with the theological College and the spiritual formation of a whole generation of priests but also guiding our church through very difficult times indeed. May his memory be eternal.
May he be numbered amongst the saints.
Father John.
P.S Also on Sunday we commemorate the holy cross. May you please bring small bunches of flowers so that they can be distributed at the end of the service amongst the faithful.
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