Dear all.
Christ is risen!
Gospel reading
- Yesterday’s gospel reading (John 20:19 – 31) “seals the deal” as to the resurrection of Christ. Thomas, represents you and me. He represents modern rationalism and logic. Not for him is hearsay evidence of the resurrection good enough. He is quite clear on this point: unless he sees in the hands of Christ the print of the nails and unless he places his finger in the mark of the nails and unless he places his hand in his side, then, he will not believe.
- Is that not how we are? Do we not need to see the evidence before our eyes before we believe? Would we say anything different than Thomas did? We who are in robed in Western logic would say unless we saw and felt and experienced directly then we too do not believe. But, how can we have such an opportunity to do this today? The good news is that we do not need to do this directly as Thomas does it for us. Thomas is our eyes and our ears. He bears witness for you and for me.
- And, what is his witness? Christ invites him to do exactly as he says he needs to do to determine the veracity of the resurrection. And, when Thomas does this, what does he say? He says: “my Lord and my God.” Thomas is thoroughly convinced that the living flesh and blood before him is indeed the resurrected Christ.
- Notice the response of Christ: “have you believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” So, it is really a no-brainer. Thomas verifies the resurrection. As our eyes and ears Thomas says: “my Lord and my God”. Now we need not fear that our faith is misplaced in the resurrected Christ. Thomas, as “every man”, verifies once and for all the truth of the resurrection. Yes, we do indeed owe a great debt to this disciple.
Around our church
- If you wish to hear our wonderful choir singing the Lamentations from Good Friday you will have the opportunity to do so if you listen to my program “Hour of Orthodoxy” which airs on 6 EBA FM (95.3 on the FM dial) tomorrow (Tuesday) from 5 to 6 PM. I would urge those of you who are interested as to the meaning and significance of Easter to listen to it. The choral singing is interspersed throughout the hour.
- The church program for this week is as follows Wednesday: matins in divine liturgy for St John the theologian from 7:30 AM; Saturday divine liturgy in English from 9 AM to 10:15 AM.
- Thank you for supporting our food store. We have now enough clothing and blankets for the time being. Food is always welcome.
- There are still eight holy week books outstanding on loan. Would you please return them as soon as possible. This saves me chasing them up.
Thought of the week
Christ is resurrected and the tomb is empty. Men buried him but he raised himself. Who could do that other than God? Christ is risen from the dead and by death has trampled down death and to those in the tombs bestowing life.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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