Dear all.
Gospel reading
- Today’s gospel reading ( Matthew 8:24 – 9:1) of the two demon possessed men teaches us something profound about the relationship of Christ and humanity; Christ and Demons and about demons and humanity. “What have you to do with us, O son of God? Have you come to torment us before the time?” These questions posed to Christ by these demoniacs clearly recognise the Lordship of Christ. That must be so because demons, as created beings, cannot have authority over the Creator of all.
- However demons, as fallen angels and rulers over the world Lord it over humanity who is no match for their wiles. Humanity invariably falls to the: “tell them anything – give them anything” philosophy of the Demons. So humanity drifts away from God and takes abode under the roof of Demons.
- Of course most of us would laugh at the thought of having a belief in demons. They do not exist: we say. No sensible person can believe in them: we say. So, what do we do? We cast the idea of demons to one side which is precisely what demons want us to do. Why, because now we can begin to question Christ’s words. We begin to slide down the slope of unbelief to the point where we, as right-thinking people, reject Christ.
- Although we are the weakest, paradoxically Christ, who is the strongest, makes no attempt to force us to do his will. Why? Because he respects our free will. Not so, the Demons who torment, manipulate and trick us into doing evil. So we manifest evil – and the Demons rejoice because we are doing their work against Christ for them and in the process are casting ourselves out from the kingdom of heaven. Does not this make Christ cry for us? Should we not cry for ourselves?
Around the church
- Take note… Take note… Take note there is no Bible studies this coming Tuesday (23rdJuly) as I will be in Melbourne visiting my mother who is unwell. The next church service will be next Saturday, 27 July when we will be commemorating the great martyr Panteleimon matins from 7:30 AM, divine liturgy in English from 9 AM; Saturday at 4 PM Vespers.
- We have enough clothes at the moment. Basic foodstuffs would be appreciated.
Thought of the week
- Thought of the week: the devil can take many, many forms. He can make many, many promises. He can promise “the Moon and sixpence”. It doesn’t matter what it takes so long as he makes a deal with us; and what is in it for us? Why, we get one hell of a deal!
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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