Dear all.
Gospel reading
- Yesterday’s gospel reading of the rich ruler (Luke 18:18 – 27) gives room for thought as to just who does or does not consider themselves rich. Why, is it that when it comes to showing off our wealth we are the most ostentatious of creatures – the biggest car, the biggest house, the best schools – nothing is too good for us. Yet when we are called upon to consider parting with some of our wealth to give to someone less well off than we are we think to ourselves that we are materially poor and that there are a lot more wealthier people than you that should give… But you?… Why you do not have enough for yourself let alone to share around.
- Indeed, you believe in charity – so long as somebody else is doing the giving. You have heard it being said that wealth is the medium of salvation with the poor existing for the salvation of the rich – and you may well believe in that – so long as you don’t have to do part with any money, and, you do not part with your money because you consider yourself poor.
- Truly, it is said that with great wealth comes great responsibility. St John Chrysostom says that when we do not show mercy we will be punished. Our money is the Lord’s and not sharing it is akin to stealing it from God. The money has not been given to you to spend as you will but to provide for those that have less than you. If you do you show mercy. If not then you stand condemned.
- Notice however considering yourself as wealthy or poor is a value judgement. We are all poor when compared to the billionaires of this world. We are all rich when we compare ourselves to the homeless and destitute. Here’s the thing… Do you think that when you stand before Christ he will assess your attitude to money and for the need of the other on the basis of the benchmark set by billionaires or do you think that he will assess you and what you have done with your wealth in comparison to the poor and destitute? No wonder, Christ says that what is not possible with man is only possible with God.
Around our church
- Program this week is as follows tomorrow Tuesday 6:45 PM adult Bible Study continues; Saturday feast day of St Andrews from 7:30 AM (matins in Greek; divine liturgy in English);
- do not forget to listen to 6 EBA FM tomorrow from 5 PM to 6 PM for an explanation as to this week’s epistle and gospel reading;
- on Thursday we will be hosting St Andrews Grammar for the divine liturgy from 9:30 AM.
Thought for the week
- Thought for the week: there is no such thing as bad fortune – if it is for our benefit then it is innately good; if it is not to our benefit then it works within us to engender patience and humility. Life is not about what it throws at us but what we do with what is thrown at us.
Till next week.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554