Dear all.

Gospel reading

  • Christ is risen! The fifth Sunday of Pascha  is dedicated to the Samaritan woman (John 9:1 – 38). During this period between the Resurrection and Pentecost the focus of the gospel readings are upon the exaltation and majesty of Christ and the vivification of the comforter or the Holy Spirit. During this period most readings involve water which is often the symbol of the Holy Spirit.
  • Bread and water are two key elements to sustain the life of body and soul. Christ is the bread of life. He now declares to us: “if anyone thirst let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.” There Christ is talking about the Holy Spirit. The Samaritan woman can only offer water which does nothing more than slake first. On the other hand the living water offered by Christ satisfies a deep spiritual need of the recipient to be at one with Christ.
  • The fact that Christ is having this conversation with a Samaritan woman leads us to the profound realisation that this living water is available to all who accept Christ as their Lord and King. But, you must ask and you must accept Christ because Christ does not prevail himself upon anyone. However, if we hunger and thirst for Christ, then Christ will respond to us.
  • In encountering Christ through the Holy Spirit we encounter the truth about ourselves. This living water washes out all self-deception and we come to see ourselves as we really are – and the picture is not a pretty one. Yet, and paradoxically it doesn’t matter how miserable we present. What matters is that we in fact present ourselves to Christ and by so doing confront our shortcomings and weaknesses as we grow in our love for him. The more our love grows in Christ the more self-love within us diminishes. It is then we begin to understand what was meant by Paul when he says in his epistle to the Colossians that Christ is all and in all. There, in Christ we find our true resting place.


  • As you may know the churches are partially opened. We are now allowed to have 20 congregants at each service in addition to a maximum of 10 helpers/servers. We have received a large number of requests seeking attendance at a church service. Please be patient. The rules in relation to serving at a divine liturgy are fairly clear. An Orthodox priest is limited to celebrating one divine liturgy a day:

THIS COMING WEEK::: I will be conducting the following services: Wednesday divine liturgy in English at 4 PM (FULL); Vespers for St Constantine and Helene feast day from 5:30 PM (vacancies still available); Thursday divine liturgy for feast day of St Constantine and Helene from 7:30 AM (FULL); Saturday divine liturgy in English from 9 AM (FULL); Sunday divine liturgy from 8 AM (FULL).

  • In order to accommodate the demand I will be holding a divine liturgy on Friday morning in Greek from 7:30 AM – places are beginning to fill so I would urge you to contact me ASAP.
  • There will be an additional service on Saturday afternoon at 4:30 PM conducted by Father Evan(FULL). Father Evan will also be conducting a Vespers service commencing 15 min after the divine liturgy. Please contact me ASAP if you wish to attend.

NEXT WEEK::: I will be conducting at least the following liturgical services Wednesday 7:30 AM (dismissal feast of (Pascha); Thursday 7:30 AM (Ascension), Friday 5 PM, Saturday 9 AM, Sunday 8 AM – more about additional services during the week.

Take notice that His Grace Bishop Elpidios intends to conduct a vigil for the dismissal feast of Easter. This will commence on Tuesday, 26 May from 8 PM until 12:30 AM. If you wish to attend you will need to contact me for reservations.

Around our church

  • A special thank you to R and T who have been strong supporters of St Nektarios Church from its inception and have been invaluable support to me for their generous contribution of $1000. It is the support of such people which allows us to carry out our work in the confidence that St Nektarios is our overseer. A special thanks to all the other donors as well as every donation is gratefully received and used wisely. If you wish to contribute (and all contributions are welcome) then payment can be made to the general account of the church (BSB 082057 account 608494969). If you wish to assist with our food bank, payment can be made into the following account: BSB 082057 account 616004624.
  • We are continuing to grow in our Zoom sessions. You are all invited to join us this Thursday from 6:30 PM as we will be exploring positive ways to pastorally deal with depression, distress and anxiety.
  • Don’t forget my radio program on 6 EBA FM on Tuesday from 5 PM to 6 PM (the hour of orthodoxy). On Thursday from 1:30 PM there is broadcast from the same station the divine liturgy in English and from 4 to 6 PM the divine liturgy of Sunday. Both services are recorded at St Nektarios.
  • We have begun to plant out our donated chrysanthemum plants – and they certainly do add colour about the place.

Special rules for church attendance

  • Each person (including children) entering the church will use the hand sanitiser. Icons may be kiss but they will need to be wiped down after each person has done so.
  • Social distancing will be practised. You are to occupy and be seated in a pew as marked.
  • The rear of the church has been reserved for those parents who have young children so they can be together.
  • Each person must be inside the church 10 minutes prior to the service commencing. Church doors are to be locked. HOWEVER, in the event that there are two services sequentially (e.g. matins followed by liturgy) we will open the doors at the commencement of the second service to allow those who cannot make it from the beginning of the first service entry.
  • At the conclusion of the service anyone who wishes to can enter the church to light a candle. However at all times social distancing will be practised inside the church.

Thought of the week

Food for thought – A home truth for all those ditherers, fence sitters, vacillators and procrastinators: A life that is not purposed has no meaning. If you do not know to which port you are sailing to then no wind is favourable. If you do not know the direction you are travelling then how can you set your course to get there? If you do not steer towards salvation then how can you be saved?

Till next time.

In Christ.

Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554

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