Dear all.
Gospel reading
- Yesterday’s gospel reading (Luke 8:41 – 56) involves two miracle healings by Christ: the raising of Jairus’ daughter and the healing of the woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years. Touching is instrumental to both healings. This raises the vexed question for us today namely: whether we need to be in close proximity to “things religious” for healing to occur. In other words are there some places or some icons more holier than others or, to put it another way, is it the object itself that initiates the healing or is it our faith?
- We humans are a funny lot. Ask yourself: would you prefer to receive communion from the hand of a lowly priest or from our Patriarch? I recall in 1999 attending the first Clerical – Laity conference in Constantinople. The patriarchal church of Saint George was filled with over 700 delegates: Archbishops, Metropolitans, Bishops, Priests and laity. When the distribution of communion occurred there were two queues – one with no more than 10 people the second with the queue stretching out the door. From the hand of the patriarch or the priest is it not the same communion? And yet we considered one superior to the other.
- When it comes to our churches would we prefer to be churched in a church that is humble or would we prefer to be churched in one that sings the majesty, magnificence and glory of God? And yet, is it not the same Holy Spirit that enlivens the holy gifts to the body and the blood of our Lord? Cathedral or hovel: is it not the same Grace, the same Holy Spirit?
- Christ wants us to be in close proximity to him in our faith. If you believe, it does not matter where you are, or in what church you are because you are walking in the faith of the Lord. This does not of course mean that we cast aside church building or icons. What it means is that we go back to the authentic understanding of icons as being windows to heaven and as conduits of prayer. That makes all icons equally miraculous and equally valid. We gives buildings value, not as structures, but of the faith of the prayerful people within. True, we do our best to decorate the Lord’s house as best we can because we would do no less for our own home. But for all that our faith is in the risen Lord. Our faith is a faith in God and not an excessive reverence or devotion to “things religious.”
- So, be alert. Enter each church as if you are entering the temple on high. Kiss each priest’s hand as if you are kissing the hand of Christ. Maintain your humility. Do not differentiate the things that come from Christ. Believe that you are the worst possible Christian and the least worthy of heaven. Live each day as if you have just found the love of the Lord and work in that love as if it is your last day on earth. In that way we can reorientate ourselves as Disciples of Christ.
Around our church
- Do not forget the Christmas fast commences on 15 November for Christmas. Fish is allowed other than on Wednesdays and Fridays and for the last week of the fast when it is a strict fast.
- Tickets are still available for our feast day. Adult $40, children $20. All are welcome. This is the hundredth year anniversary of the falling asleep of our Saint. Sunday is also the name day of our beloved had Bishop – so we have two reasons to celebrate.
- The program this week is as follows: Wednesday St Minas – matins and divine liturgy from 7:30 AM; Friday St John Chrysostom – matins and divine liturgy from 7:30 AM Saturday morning: the apostle Philip: matins in Greek from 7:30 AM, divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM; Sunday 15th hierarchical divine liturgy from 710 a.m. officiated by his Grace.… Then our luncheon in commemoration of the hundred fear repose of our beloved Saint Nektarios at Alexander the Great Hall. For tickets contact me or your local parish priest.
- Due to pressures of the week there are no Zoom classes on Monday evening or on Thursday evening. God willing, class resumes the following week.
- On Tuesday on six EBA FM from 5 to 6 PM I present “the Hour of Orthodoxy “. The focus this week will be on the life and times St Nektarios. On Thursday from 1:30 PM to 3 PM the divine liturgy recorded on Saturday (English) will be replayed and for 4:30 PM to 6 PM the divine liturgy recorded on Sunday (Greek) will be replayed.
- Our appeal to raise funds to replace the carpet throughout our church continues. All assistance, no matter how great or small is gratefully accepted. If you wish to make a personal donation then please contact our Bishop or myself, you can make payment by way of direct credit into the church account: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia – parish of St Nektarios account number BSB 082057 account number 608494969.
Thought of the week
Our struggle to faith in the holy Catholic and apostolic church in today’s world is fraught and beset from all sides by danger. To the left our church is threatened by the word: coexistence. That word tells us there is no right or wrong and that all that matters is tolerance. To the right, our church is in danger of being battered by the word: fundamentalism. That word tells us that nothing is capable of change. We have headwinds of indifference and our church floats upon a sea of atheism. It is simply not safe to leave the ark of the church where all are invited to take shelter. But, there is only one Captain and that is Christ. He will see us to safe waters provide that we believe in him.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554