Dear all.

A special thank you to all the many, many, wonderful people who turned up to help at the busy bee of the church on Saturday. The church looks sparkling. Thank you, we couldn’t have done it without the contribution of each and every one of you.

Appeal Stage I Update:

We now, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donation of $10,000, need a further $45,000 for the stage I renovations of our church. I am confident that St Nektarios will not permit us to fail in beautifying his church and especially as we approach the Centennial anniversary of his repose.

Father John

“ O faithful, let us honor Nectarios, divine servant of Christ, offspring of Silivria and guardian of Aegina, who in these latter years was manifested as the true friend of virtue. All manner of healing wells forth for those who in piety cry out, “Glory to Christ who glorified you; glory to Him who, through you, wrought wonders; glory to Him who, through you, works healing for all.”

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