Dear all.
Gospel Reading
Yesterday’s gospel reading of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 22: 2– 14) is a further exposition on previous Sunday’s theme propounded in the parable of the vineyard which it immediately follows. Both parables deal with God’s relationship with his people. The first dispensation given to the people of Israel in both cases was forfeited by their wilful disposition, and, in both cases, the new disposition was with the followers of Christ.
So what does yesterday’s reading add to our understanding? You will note that the direction given to the servants was to invite to the marriage feast as many people they could find whether good or bad. Of course, be invited to a wedding then, as it does now, means to dress suitably for the occasion. Not to do so is insulting not only to the groom but to the one that invited you.
Failure to attend with appropriate raiment is cause for moving you out of the wedding feast. So it is with the kingdom of heaven. If you are offered salvation with everything being ready for the feast and you spurn that offering then you will be cast out into the outer darkness where men weep and gnash their teeth.
The divine Eucharist is the joyous foretaste of the spiritual banquet of the kingdom. It is a pledge for salvation by Christ. Christ wants us to live in his kingdom that has no end – but there is an obligation upon us to ensure that what we receive, we receive we thanks. We should never forget that whatever we have received has been gifted to us from God. It is for no small reason then that during the divine liturgy at the anaphora (offering) we say: “your own from your own we offer you, in every way and for everything.”
So here it is: although the second dispensation may be applicable to you and me that does not mean that we are automatically saved. Unless we work to maintain our garments spotless and clean and fit to be looked upon by a king then we run the risk of being cast out of the kingdom. In those circumstances we can only blame ourselves.
Program for week
The program for this week is as follows: tomorrow evening (Tuesday) 6:45 PM adult education class; Saturday eighth of September: the Nativity of the Theotokos matins from 7:30 AM; divine liturgy in English from 9 AM – 10:15 AM.
Assistance required
We have recently established a relationship with a local primary school that needs help with their breakfast club. Also, our food store is running low. This demonstrates that we do not have to go overseas to see poverty. It seems that poverty, like charity, begins at home.
I need the assistance of ladies to assist with the breakfast club each Thursday. You will need a working with children’s card which can be arranged. You will also need your own transport. The time involved is one-hour from 8 AM which includes set up, feeding the children and cleaning up.
I want to thank the three ladies that volunteered for the Tuesday morning shift. If I could find three ladies for the Thursday morning then it would be great. Please contact me for further details.
If you wish to help the food store financially the details are as follows: NAB : BSB 082057 account 616004624. All contributions welcome.
Thought for the week
All are called to salvation. Salvation requires work. You can spend all your time pondering what to do and how to do it but if you do nothing then all your good intentions are for nought. Good intentions only never filled an empty stomach nor did they ever attain the kingdom of heaven.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Fr John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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