Dear all.
Gospel reading
Yesterday’s gospel reading (Matthew 10:32 – 33; 37 – 38; 19:27 – 30) has some very difficult sayings. I think we can all agree with the proposition that if we do not acknowledge Christ then he cannot acknowledge us. However, he who loves father or mother or son or daughter more than Christ is not worthy of Christ. So, what is meant when Christ elsewhere tells us “honour your father and mother, and, you shall honour your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 19:19)
We all know how much we love those who care for us. Even from the cross Christ commends the disciple that loved him to his mother: “woman, behold, your son” (John 19:26). Even then Christ was concerned out of love for the safety and welfare of his mother.
Christ here does not tell us not to love those that care for us, but what he is rather say is this: even though we love these persons so, so much we should love Christ more.
That is the magnitude of the love that we should have for Christ. It should know no bounds. It should be obedient. It should follow in the footsteps of Christ. That love should be all in all. That love should make us love Christ with all our heart and all our body and all our mined and all our soul.
It is only after we put the love of Christ beyond and above all things that we can begin to say that we are truly following him. It is only then that we may inherit life eternal – not as a reward – for love is its own reward – but rather, we can then say the grace and mercy of Christ is boundless and that if it is the will of the Lord, then his will be done.
The program for this week is as follows: Tuesday evening 7 PM – adult class – topic:” women at in the time of the new Testament and Mary Magdalene”. Saturday ninth of June Divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10: 15 am. Next Sunday, loucoumades.If you wish me to hear your confession please contact me on the phone number listed below.
Thought of the week
The beauty in our life is measured not by the image that the mirror reflects back to us but rather the love that we have for the one that loved us first.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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