Dear all.
Gospel reading
- Yesterday’s morning gospel (Matthew 6:22 – 33) is particularly instructive as to how we should lead our life. In that reading there are embedded life teachings that we would all do well to take heed. The central theme of the reading revolves around this: you cannot serve two masters because you will hate one and love the other or you will devote yourself to one or the other. The two masters are identified God and mammon.
- Here it is in a nutshell. There is no fence sitting. You are either one or the other. Make no mistake. If you decline to commit to God then the default position is that you commit to the world. Why? Because we are in the world and being in Christ makes us not only of this world but also otherworldly. Without that sense of the eternal we are grounded in this world.
- The thing is that it is not enough to say that I am committed to God and then lead your life in opposition to the teachings of Christ. That does not make us “otherworldly”. In following the glittering baubles of this world you are identified with it. Crass consumerism and the pursuit of money to attain them is soul destroying. These people who give a few ” crumbs” from their goods and then feel good about themselves, and call themselves Christians, are the most to be pitied.
- Why? Because they are fooling themselves. Even if we call ourselves Christians yet do not live the gospel then what is the point? Christ will ask each one of us: what did you do for me? Then how will we answer? Lord, I let you have the few crumbs that fell off my table? What will the King of all tell us then and where will be send us? And if we end up in the outer darkness, who can we blame but ourselves.
Important announcement
- I attach a very important announcement. For the first time we are welcoming in Perth our new Archbishop. The particulars of his visit are contained in that notification.
NOTE *****NOTE : His Eminence will be visiting the parish of St Nektarios this coming Friday the 12th. You are all invited to attend church to greet him most warmly. Our chanters will be welcoming him with a mini arrival service and he will speak to us as well. If you cannot attend anything else then you should attend this event to meet our new Archbishop.
Around our church
- Tomorrow Tuesday evening there is broadcast my program: “the hour of orthodoxy” on six EBA FM from 5 PM to 6 PM. Note that this program is live and is repeated on Thursdays between 2 PM and 3 PM. At 6:45 PM tomorrow evening the adult Bible classes continue with discussing some of the important people of the old Testament
- On Thursday the 11th we are celebrating the feast day of great martyr Euphemia. Matins will commence at 7:30 AM;
- on Saturday we have divine liturgy in English from 9 AM to 10:15 AM.
If you wish to contribute financially to our Food store please do so to the following account BSB 082057 account 616004624. Let us always remember those that have less than we do. All donations accepted with gratitude.
Thought for the week
If we seek to change the world then the enormity of that task silences us but if we see the world in one person then perhaps we can change that person’s world and in that way we can become God’s instrument. There isn’t that a worthwhile thought?
Until next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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