Dear all.
Gospel Reading
Yesterday’s gospel reading of the healing of the paralytic (Matthew 9:1 – 8) gives much food for thought as to what is really important in life. But before that thought also begs the question: what life are we talking about?. Let me explain what I mean.
If I was in the place of the paralytic and given the choice between the healing of my physical infirmity or my spiritual infirmity I probably would choose my physical infirmity. Indeed, if we are truly honest we would all make the same choice. To be able to go where you wish, as you wish and with whomever you wish is the quintessential definition of human freedom – and who doesn’t want to be free?
Yet, we know that this life is temporary. So whatever physical healing we receive that healing would end in any event upon our passing. The question then is: what then? What good is the healing in this temporary world in the face of eternity.
This is why Christ first says to the paralytic that his sins are forgiven him. Christ knows what is truly important to us. Do we ever stop to think that when a prayer is not answered in the way we want that it is being answered as to what is best for us in eternity. When we pass we come to an end of the chapter in our consciousness. Let us not confuse the end of a chapter with the end of the book – and what is the end of the book for each one of us? Why – eternity whether with God or away from God. Do you see how relevant this gospel is to our lives?
Programme for week
The programme for the week is as follows:
- Tuesday evening 6:45 PM – 7:30 PM adult discussion with the focus being on The Didache (and if time permits: the Shepherd of Hermas). We will see just how the early church saw itself and is role in the world. 7:30 PM to 8 PM fellowship.
- Wednesday morning from 7:30 AM the feast day of St Euphemia at the church.
- Wednesday evening from 5 PM to 6 PM at the monastery of St John of the Mountain Vespers in honour of St Paisios.
- Thursday divine liturgy at the monastery from 8 AM to 11 AM. At the monastery. Morning tea served after the service. All priests will be in attendance.
- Saturday morning Divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM.
Tickets are starting to go for our luncheon on 29 July held in conjunction with Florina brotherhood. The meat is to be barbecued by the Souvla boys. Tickets are available from the church you can contact me on my mobile below if you require tickets.
Food bank
Our Food bank continues to grow and a special thanks to those who have contributed materially in food and money. We have made connection with nearby agencies and anticipate that demand for our service will grow – so keep up the good work. Remember that those of us who can give will be judged by what we gave just as those who have received will be judged by what they need. The job of judging is up to God. Our job is not to judge but to assist those who need without fear or favour or taking into account race or creed. So, once again keep up the good work!
Thought for the week
True giving is not about how much you give but how much it costs you. As Christ said of the widow who made her meagre offering: “truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing… For they have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living.” (Mark 12: 43 – 44). Now that thought puts quite a different slant upon what true giving is.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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