Dear all. Christ is risen!
Gospel Reading
Today’s gospel of the blind man (John 9:1 – 38) holds manifold lessons for us. The disciples ask the question: “Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”. To our ears there is an inherent injustice in suggesting that a person, not yet fully formed in his mother’s womb is capable of sinning to the point where they are afflicted with the loss of sight or, in the alternative, that they are punished for something not done by them and that they are not responsible for. Either reading sits uncomfortably with the modern Christian.
Certainly, there are many instances of the sins of parents being visited upon the children in the Old Testament. The tragic case of David’s firstborn to Bathsheba is most poignant. (2 Samuel 12:1 – 23) Even in the new Testament: did not the crowd yell to Pontius Pilate in their condemnation of Jesus that: “his blood be on us and on our children? “(Matthew 27:25).
In response, Christ reveals an innate truth: “as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world”. This affliction of the blind man was not for punishment but rather as a means of showing the glory of God and the fullness of his mercy and forgiveness. That is where we should be focusing our attention – not upon who sinned but upon who is capable of saving us from that sin.
Christ is the light of the world. His light however is not physical but spiritual. His light is constant and pours forth to all. Whether we can see the light is up to each one of us. Christ condescended (συγκαταβαίωσε) ) for our salvation: “though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on the cross.” (Philippians 2:5 – 8.). May we, like his disciples on Mt Tabor see his light as much as we can bear.
The program for this week is as follows: Wednesday, the 16th the leave taking of PASCHA (fast free) matins from 7:30 AM, Wednesday evening adult Bible class 7 PM to 8 PM; Thursday the Holy Ascension matins from 7:30 AM; Saturday Matins from 8.00am, Divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM.
Important announcements
There are important changes coming in the way that we spread the message of God at St Nektarios:
- On Saturday, 19 May from 3 PM to 5 PM I will be commencing Sunday School classes for All children. If your child (or grandchild) is old enough to understand then they are old enough to begin being taught in the faith. I will teach the children in age appropriate language – and make it fun for them to learn. All are welcome. Parents please bring a plate to share. I expect to see all our children there – so parents please mark your diaries now and leave that date free. The first topic will be about the how and why of our faith. This will be initially a monthly activity and increasing it to fortnightly as demand requires. (PS. It won’t be me just talking – the programme will be instruction for half an hour or so (depending upon the interest of the children); food (and there is always interest in food) and games so they can get to know one another – see you all there.
- Say farewell to Wednesday night adult bible class… Say hello, to Tuesday night’s study class… Commencing from Tuesday, 29 May at 7 PM I will be introducing a topic of interest…OR… A topic of discussion can commence from the floor…OR… You can make suggestions as to the topic for discussion. Although I will lead the discussion all points of view will be heard with respect – whether they be from a 12-year-old or an 80-year-old… All will be encouraged to speak their mind so we can learn from one another… After the discussion there will be an opportunity for refreshments where you can discuss informally with one another (and with me) any matter, including how to make our children better Christians… The first topic for discussion will be: CONFESSION – what we do, why we do it ,and, how we do it… So, spread the word!… See you there!
Coming events
- The ladies of Perth holding their annual biggest morning tea for Cancer. This is will be held on Thursday, 24 May. Please see the flyer in last week’s newsletter for details. In the meantime if any person wishes to assist in the running of the function then please let me know and I will pass on the details of the appropriate contact person.
- The church of St Constantine and Helene has now published an announcement as to the events surrounding its feast day. Please look at the attached flyer for details.
- On Sunday 24thof June there is the annual pink hat luncheon for Cancer. Please see the flyer in last week’s newsletter for details
Father Themis
On 19 May 2018 the Parish of St Nektarios will once again have the pleasure of hosting Father Themis from Sierra Leone. You will recall that we had the pleasure of his company, and his assistant louis, last September when a fundraising event was held with great success. This time, each Parish will host Father Themis independently. You will have an opportunity to donate, as well is make a good father on the Saturday morning. We will be commencing matins at 8 AM and the Divine liturgy will be in English. See you all there.
Thought for the week
The church should, like God call and unveil the beauty and truth of things without imposition. To do otherwise runs a risk of losing its most divine characteristic which is divine love and understanding towards those who call upon it for salvation. The medicine called for is one of healing by the sick and not one of punishment or condemnation for that sickness.
Till next week.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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