Dear all.
Christ is risen!
Gospel Reading
Yesterday’s gospel reading (John 20:19 – 31) should resonate with all of us. Thomas, seems to encapsulating the modern mind as he expresses doubts about the resurrection. In today’s secular world we demand proof of anything that defies rationality. We test everything and we say to any assertion that is beyond credibility: “prove it!”
This is what I like about Thomas. Like you and me he is no-nonsense. “Prove it” is his mantra. By so insisting he places all of us into the room where Christ has appeared to his disciples and to him. Thomas is not only our litmus test he is our eyewitness. Thomas is us in his skepticism and in his demand of proof. “Unless, I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe.”
Christ, immediately after given the disciples his peace turns to Thomas and offers himself as the living proof of the resurrection. Notice in what an emphatic terms Christ addresses him. “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing.”
Also note that in the face of the overwhelming evidence Thomas does NOT carry out his investigation but responds: “my Lord and my God!” What Thomas’s eyes have seen have convinced him that this is indeed the resurrected Christ.
Christ chastises Thomas: “have you believed because you have seen me?”. Thomas, stands in the place of us all and has his skepticism evaporated by what he has seen. Christ immediately then gives us this most wonderful promise: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” You see, through the actions of Thomas, OUR eyewitness, we can receive the blessing of the Lord by believing in the resurrection because Thomas through HIS witnessing has confirmed for each and every one of us the reality of the resurrection. Christ is risen! Christ is truly risen!
The programme for this week is as follows: Wednesday evening 6 PM to 7 PM catechism and renewal class; 7 PM to 8 PM adult bible studies. Saturday 22ndApril Divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM.
Thought of the week
Why do we accept bad news with ease and yet are sceptical of the good. Most of us overlook the good news of the gospel of the resurrected Christ – we have all heard of the phrase “doubting Thomas” – but Thomas had his doubts evaporated. This is something that we forget when we consider the resurrection. Thomas was there and he believed – blessed are those who were not there and still believe!
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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