Dear all.
Gospel reading
Yesterday’s gospel reading (Mark 8:34 – 38; 9:1) continues to mark the veneration of the holy cross which commenced with the forefeast on Sunday the 9th and continues with the leave taking of the feast on Friday the 21st September. During this period we have various readings that declare the cross as an instrument of death and the cross as an instrument of love.
Yesterday’s reading talks of taking up one’s cross. But it says something a lot more. It then immediately talks about each one of us and puts the taking up or the rejection of the cross at the level of death. But that death is not a physical death but a death unto life everlasting. Christ then asks rhetorically: “for what can a man give in return for his life?”
We have, it seems, no choice in deferring the matter of choosing life or death. If you take up your cross then certain consequences will flow. If you do not take up your cross then certain other consequences will flow. It is this clear and as stark as that. There are no “rain checks”. There is no fence sitting. You either in or out.
Christ, wants each and every one of us to be saved but in order to be saved you must be on the side of Christ. Looking at the cross we are encouraged to take strength from the fact that it is empty. Why? Because we know that through the resurrection the cross was transfigured into the singularly most iconic symbol of the Christian faith. No true Christian now looks upon the cross with fear as an instrument of death but rather as a means to salvation.
Isn’t that the good news! By incurring trials, sacrifice and tribulations in this world we are actually being tested and refined to become Christ’s instruments that he uses with which to bring others to him., We, in the image of Christ, by being tested grow increasingly towards his likeness. By becoming in his likeness we to become not only a true Christian but a vessel of love that resounds deep in the glory of Christ. Again, isn’t that good news!
Programme for week
The program for this week is as follows: tomorrow Tuesday 6:45 PM adult education continues; Saturday 17th of September Divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM.
On Monday, 24 September there is a service to be held at the Chapel of St John the theologian in Previlly to be held on the 24 September 2018. As usual there is a bus leaving 6:30 AM from the church in Carr Street. Cost is $30 per ticket. BYO Food & Drink. Contact me for further details. If you cannot make it to Previlly, fear not as our church will be open for the service commemorating “Our Lady of the Myrtles”
Food store
Our food store operates on the principle of: ask and you will receive; seek and you will find. Accordingly I am asking and seeking for foodstuffs to be given to those who ask. We do not differentiate between who asks – need is need however you look at it. When you go shopping please purchase and set aside a few items of food to bring to the church. We are beginning to have a call on the service that we provide and we would anticipate that we have just “scratched the surface”. Hunger, like charity, truly does begin at home. . If you wish to help financially the account details are: BSB 082057 account 616004624. All contributions welcome.
Breakfast club
Yesterday, I reported that we were able to cover the request to provide assistance for the breakfast club on Tuesdays at a local primary school. However, we were not having any joy to provide ladies for Thursday’s requirements. I’m happy to say subsequently I was approached by one lady willing to assist. I now need another person for the Thursday. If anyone is free they are welcome to assist. It is on each Thursday during school term and goes for an hour from approximate 8 AM to 9 AM. A working with children card is required. If you do not have one assistance will be given to obtain one. Please contact me for further details.
Thought of the week
The cross: it’s vertical axis runs from heaven to earth and its horizontal axis embraces the entire world – both believers and nonbelievers, both those living in light and those living in darkness, inviting all. That is its power and promise. To those who follow; the cross becomes life, to those who do not follow: the cross becomes death. As in life, choosing the way of the cross, depends not only on each one of us has great consequences for us all.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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