Dear all.
Gospel reading
Yesterday’s gospel reading of the entry of Christ in Jerusalem (John 12: 1 –1 8) tells of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on the way to his passion. This, as God, he had pre-eternal fore knowledge of, and voluntarily assumed his role, for you and for me. This is pause for great theological reflection. Why would anyone, much less God, give up his life in the sure and certain knowledge of grievous suffering of a hideous death? How can God give up his life?
It is this divine plan that fills my mind with wonder. Why did not God simply start again? Why did he in the middle of the garden permit the tree of life and knowledge of good and evil to grow? Why, did he permit the serpent to stay in Paradise? Why did not God, who has foreknowledge of all things, not move things around so Christ did not have to endure the cross?
The short answer is that God thought that we are worth it. We, you and me, with all our sins, with all our defects, with all our flaws are considered by God as worthy of perseverance. God gave us free will because he did not want robots. He wanted you and me to have a relationship with Him on our terms. God knew that postlapsarian man was under death through the deceit of the devil so the divine plan was put in place to save man. This plan was to bring Christ into the world as man, whilst at all times being God. As man, Christ took human flesh and sanctified it by his saving action.
So Christ in the coming week will endure shamefully the actions of cruel men. He will be scourged, spat on, humiliated, reviled and ultimately put to death. Yet, he readily accepted the role as mediator entrusted to him so that we may be saved. Can you now ever doubt that Christ loves you? Can you now ever say that you are not worthy? Can you now ever feel alone? See, how much God loves us. Let us for this last week follow him intently – it is the least that we can do. Come, Lord Jesus.
Around our church
- Please refer to the programme attached hereto for the schedule of services;
- We still have a large number of Holy week books available on loan. Please borrow them from the pangari.
- Our food store requires toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, breakfast cereals, rice (short and long grain), tomato sauce in jars, teabags, coffee, long life milk. We have enough clothing of the moment but if you have socks, beanies or blankets then they no doubt will be used.
- We will be decorating the epitaphio on Thursday, if you wish to help.
Thought of the week
From Romans 5:18 – 19″ therefore, as through one man’s offence (Adam) judgement came to all men (death) resulting in condemnation, even so through one man’s (Christ) righteous act the free gift of all came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one man’s obedience many were made righteous.”
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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