Dear all.

Gospel reading

  • Yesterday’s gospel reading (Luke 5:1 – 11) tells of the beginning of the call to discipleship by Christ of the 12. “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” commands Christ of Peter who had been fishing all night only to catch nothing. Here, the human experience, talent and ability represented by the fishermen Peter had come to nought. Now someone who knew nothing of fishing was telling him his professional business.
  • Rather than protest Peter says: ” Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets”. What trust. How many of us who rely upon our own professional abilities, if we were to end up with nothing other than hunger and despondency would take kindly to the words of an amateur. Yet, Peter is obedient without any expectation or promise other than the word of Christ.
  • Peter is amazed at the result of obedience to the Lord. Instead of celebrating his huge catch he suddenly realises his unworthiness: he tells Christ “depart from me for I am a sinful man.” Peter had sufficient insight to understand that he had just participated in something awesome which made him look within himself and only see human condition.
  • Here’s the thing: Christ build his church upon Peter who was unworthy, flawed, fractured and impetuous. In other words a person just like you and me – brave one instant, scared of his shadow the next – an amalgam of all things good and not so good. It is this Peter to whom Christ says: “do not be afraid! Henceforth you will be catching men.” All of us are earthen pots capable of holding the most wonderful gifts. None of us are perfect. All of us are capable of being fishers of men. You see it is not what we have so much as how we use what we have and if we use it – whether we use it for the glory of Christ or ourselves. And for Peter? Christ saw the real value of the man. The man three times denied Christ. The resurrected Christ directed the same man to tend his sheep. All of us are earthenware pots capable of holding the most wonderful gifts – all of us are worthwhile.

Around our church

  • The program for this week is as follows: Tuesday divine liturgy 7:30 AM. 6:45 PM Tuesday adult Bible class continues; Thursday divine liturgy 7:30 AM: Saturday divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM.
  • Since my return our food store has had a bit of a run on it – as a result we require the following: olive oil, honey, sugar, tinned chickpeas, tinned fruit, flour (plain and self-raising) tomato sauce, rice (both long and short grain). No more clothes for the time being please. Soon I will be calling for summer clothes.
  • On this 30 September there is a trip to Previlly for a divine liturgy. Please contact me for further details.

Archbishop Makarios

  • Next month we will be blessed by the presence of his Eminence Archbishop Makarios to Perth. I enclose a flyer in respect of the visit as well as a letter from the Bunbury organisers for your information.
  • You will note that there is a formal luncheon at the Hyatt on the 12 October (ticket $70 for adults children $25 under 12) which I would encourage all to attend. Tickets are selling fast – so don’t miss out!

Thought of the week

Trusting in someone as liberating. However if that someone betrays your trust then grin and bear it as we need to engage in the act of living together. This does not mean that we forget. A wise man forgives but remembers. A foolish man forgives and forgets. Thus a foolish man is set to receive the same treatment over and over again. Remember we indeed are as gentle as doves but also we need to be as wise as serpents.

Till next time.

In Christ.

Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554

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