Dear all.
Gospel Reading
- “Rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind.” Yesterday’s gospel reading of the man born blind (John 9:1 – 38) takes us deep into the mystery of suffering. Why is it that we humans need to always attach an effect to every cause? After all, is it up to us to speculate why things happen in the vast mystery that we call God’s Providence?
- This life is not about rewarding those who are virtuous with good things and punishing those that are not virtuous with bad things. Observe, life is a mixture of good and bad and just and unjust. Who are we to pry into God’s judgements? Take care you do not do so as is folly. One only has to look at what befell Job when he questioned God as to the misery that befell him (Job chapters 38 and 39). Truly God does not regard anyone who is wise in their own deceit. Indeed, how can anyone answer the question that the Lord posed the job: “shall a fault finder contender with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it.” (Job 40:2)
- In life we are no more than one small jigsaw piece in a vast jigsaw puzzle that we will never, ever comprehend. Can we, on the basis of that one puzzle piece, seriously contender what the total picture portrays? Yet, somehow we feel that we need to comprehend, so like the disciples we ask “who sinned” as if an answer identifying one or the other will give them a basis for judgement and comprehension.
- Observer Christ says: he says neither sinned but that the works of God may be made manifest through this blind man. Does this mean that this man was deliberately born blind so that for this one instant in time he finds himself before Christ who will heal him and thus manifest God? Certainly not! This man, born blind, could have blasphemed and railed and turn his back against God. That may well be understandable had he done so, but no, he continued to believe and as a result, his patient waiting brought him into contact with Christ thus healing him.
- Life can be terribly unfair. We feel that we are punished for things which are not our fault. We can turn against God in bitterness and disappointment. In that case the only winner is the devil. Make no mistake, the devil is an artful advocate and to resist him as this man, who was born blind, did by not succumbing to his wiles is a testament to his faith. May you and I have such faith when our time of trial is at hand.
Around our church
- Our Zoom sessions have gone from success to success. Such is been the success we have now relocated our Zoom sessions so we have additional time, instead of the usual 40 minutes. Please join us from your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. (NOTE: Contact Fr. John for meeting details.) We continue to look at the teachings of our church in relation to spiritual healing. Look forward to seeing you all on Thursday at 6:30 PM
- Our churches are now partly opened. We are now allowed to have 20 congregants at each service in addition to a maximum of 10 helpers/servers. We have received a large number of requests seeking attendance at a church service. Please be patient. The rules in relation to serving at a divine liturgy are fairly clear—an Orthodox priest is limited to celebrating one divine liturgy a day:
- THIS COMING WEEK: His Grace Bishop Elpidios will conduct a vigil for the dismissal feast of Easter. This will commence on Tuesday (tomorrow) from 8 PM until 12:30 AM. On Wednesday I will liturgise (Dismissal Feast of Pascha) from 7:30 AM (FULL); on Thursday (Ascension of our Lord) from 7:30 AM (FULL); on Friday at 4 PM(FULL), on Saturday in English at 9 AM (FULL); on Sunday at 8 AM (FULL). In the event that some vacancies do unexpectedly occur I will contact those who have submitted the names to me to attend.
- St Nektarios continues to look after our church. A grateful thank you to those who have assisted financially in the past week. A special thanks to all who have contributed to our food bank. Each and every donation is gratefully received and used wisely. If you wish to contribute (and all contributions are welcome) then payment can be made to the general account of the church ( BSB 082057 account 608494969). If you wish to assist with our food bank, payment can be made into the following account: BSB 082057 account 616004624.
- Don’t forget my radio program on 6 EBA FM on Tuesday from 5 PM to 6 PM (The Hour of Orthodoxy). On each Thursday from 1:30 PM there is broadcast from the same station the divine liturgy in English that has been recorded at the church of St Nektarios the previous Saturday and from 4 to 6 PM the divine liturgy recorded on the Sunday.
- We have now planted out our donated chrysanthemum plants. A generous thank you to the those that helped, especially to our volunteer gardener. Our next job is to plant out our geraniums
Special rules for church attendance
- Each person (including children) entering the church will use the hand sanitiser. Icons may be kiss but they will need to be wiped down after each person has done so.
- Social distancing will be practised. You are to occupy and be seated in a pew as marked.
- The rear of the church has been reserved for those parents who have young children so they can be together.
- Each person must be inside the church 10 minutes prior to the service commencing. Church doors are to be locked. HOWEVER, in the event that there are two services sequentially (e.g. matins followed by liturgy) we will open the doors at the commencement of the second service to allow those who cannot make it from the beginning of the first service entry.
- At the conclusion of the service anyone who wishes to can enter the church to light a candle. However at all times social distancing will be practised inside the church.
Thought of the week
Let ask revisit the book of Job: “then the Lord answered……. out of the whirlwind: who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up your loins like a man, I will question you, and you shall declare to me..” (38:1–3) Who could withstand the Lord? And the name to be inserted at the place indicated by the……? Why, anyone who forms judgement against the Lord when things do not go right in their lives.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 041061554.
PS: and for the last time this year: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life.” May God be merciful to us all.