Dear all.

Gospel reading

  • Yesterday’s Gospel reading of the four fishermen called as disciples (Luke 5:1 – 11) has as its emphasis the dialogue between Christ and Simon Peter which speaks to you and me today. Consider the dynamics: Christ tells Peter to interrupted his daily activity which he does under obedience. He overcomes self-doubt and launches into the deep, at the word of the Lord, whereupon they catch a great number of fish. Peter’s reaction: “depart from me, for I’m a sinful man, oh Lord” . The Lord’s response: “do not be afraid. For now you will catch men.”
  • In order to become co-workers with Christ for salvation we need to be transformed. The greatest limitation to spiritual development is fear. As parents we reassure our children: “do not be afraid”. Our children listen to us because they trust us. Then, through experience, they realise their fear was baseless – but until that point is reached the fear is real and tangible. It is like that with each one of us. We all have our own unique fears which are not possible to overcome alone. However if we listen to our Father in heaven and He tells us not to be afraid then we can trust Him, and through Him, disarm our fears.
  • This requires more daring than you may think. It is as if we are on the high flying trapeze without any safety net and without any harness. We are told that all we have to do is let go of the bar and leap into space in trust and confidence that we will be caught by someone or something we cannot see. To jump into the abyss into the arms of the living God who cannot be seen or touched or felt requires great daring. It requires great courage to overcome our fear. Yet that is precisely what we need to do to join the side of Christ.
  • So, here is the thing: unless we believe in the Word we remain deep in our sins and are trapped by our very fear. To believe in the Word means to trust the Word. Without trust in the word we cannot become fishers of men. Through grace, both the fish and the fishermen are capable of salvation. Through Christ, the fish are placed in the ark of the boat which is the church. The church may well be battered and bruised from time to time by the elements of secularism that raise waves of criticism. But the boat itself will never sink. It is the Holy Spirit guiding the ark of salvation, through Christ, to the Father that is the promise for salvation.

Around our church

  • The program for the coming week is as follows: Saturday divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM. (matins from 7:30 AM).
  • Tonight at 6:30 PM I will be continuing ZOOM catechism classes for those who wish to know more about their faith and for those who are being prepared for baptism.
  • On Tuesday on six EBA FM from 5 to 6 PM I present “the Hour of Orthodoxy “. The focus will be on the coming Sunday’s epistle and gospel. On Thursday from 1:30 PM to 3 PM the divine liturgy recorded on Saturday (English) will be replayed and for 4:30 PM to 6 PM the divine liturgy recorded on Sunday (Greek) will be replayed.
  • On Thursday, at 7 PM I will be continue our zoom meeting and all are invited for adult studies. This week I will be continuing our fascinating study of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”.
  • Once again, grateful thanks to Mr Anonymous for sponsoring our chant stand in the sum of $7500, which stand is dedicated to “PARADISE 4 KIDS”
  • To demonstrate, as we receive we give, our food store requires: spaghetti, oil, rice, plain flour, sugar, coffee, tuna small, tuna large, spam, tins of peas, carrots, corn, beetroot, peach slices and other fruits, tomato paste, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, dried chickpeas and beans, toothpaste, toilet paper, biscuits, shampoo, conditioner, tomato peseta, Dolmeo sauces and soft drinks. Remember: The rich exist for the sake of the poor. The poor exist for the salvation of the rich. (St John Chrysostom)

Thought for the week

The most enigmatic writing in the new Testament canon is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. In the old Testament we meet a God of justice, judgement and authority and with power and might. In the new Testament the God that we encounter is humble, meek, lowly and a servant to all who preaches forgiveness and repentance. But in the book of Revelation, once again, it is the God of justice, judgement and authority and power and might that will judge you and me. What does that mean to you and me? It means this: we have this life only to get it right and Christ does everything to make it right but if we fail to respond we know our fate. Yes, our faith is precious but nothing can be added or taken away. Unless we believe faithfully and resolutely then we cannot be saved. Knowing the name “Jesus Christ” will not save us. There are boundaries and limitations that cannot be crossed. Now that is food for thought.

Till next time.

In Christ.

Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554

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