Dear all.

Gospel reading

  • Yesterday’s gospel reading (Matthew 6:22 – 33) is a rich mine of seminal Christian themes that spoils for exegetical choice. So, let us focus on the first appearing: the theme of light. Lamps and light figure prominently in the teachings of Christ. Lamps give light. Light is what gives life and life gives us the will and means of coming to Christ.
  • The light of God shines forth constantly, unabated, brilliantly. We humans reflect the light in accordance with the measure that we are committed to Christ. It is in that sense the eye, that organ that receives and interprets light, becomes the lamp of the body. Here’s the thing: whether we open or close our eyes is up to each and every one of us. If we choose to keep eyes closed then that means we cannot see the light. The fact that we cannot see the light does not mean that the darkness has overcome it – what it means is that we choose wilfully not to participate in the light.
  • For example, we stand in front of the Mona Lisa. If we gaze upon her image with our eyes fully open we take in the hint of a smile, the arch of the neck and an image full of beauty and grace. If we have our eyes closed the Mona Lisa ceases to exist because we cannot see it. That does not mean our refusal to see the Mona Lisa causes the Mona Lisa to cease to be – what it does mean however is that it ceases to be for us.
  • It is the same with Christ and his light. Unless we choose to gaze upon Christ with love and adoration Christ will cease to be for us. Then our whole body will be full of darkness – and then how great then is that darkness? This is a great paradox. How can light enter you if your eye is bad and in any event how can the light within us be darkness. For, after all, light is the antithesis of darkness.
  • The point is this: the light from Christ is brilliant. Each of us receives that light. Unless we allow it to shine within we pervert that light. How? To the extent that we fall captive to the evil of this world and focus upon the things of this world we drain the light to the point where we extinguish it. Notice this: darkness has no presence – darkness is only the absence of light. To the extent that we permit the things of this world to clutter our mind we lose that sense of unity of children of God under God. We turn away our face from the light and travel towards the darkness and as we move further away from the light the darkness overwhelms us. Then evil prevails and takes over the space previously occupied by Christ who is now –FOR YOU – extinguished and forgotten within you and then, how deep is that darkness.

Around our church

The services this week are as follows: tomorrow, Tuesday divine liturgy from 7:30 AM (Synaxis of the 12 Apostles) Wednesday, divine liturgy (Holy Mercenaries Cosmos and Damien) from 7:30 AM; Saturday divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM.

Tonight at 6:30 PM I will be continuing catechism classes for those who wish to know more about their faith and for those who are being prepared for baptism.

On Thursday, commencing 7 PM ( *note the new time * ) we will be continue our zoom meeting and all are invited. We will be continuing to look at the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life.

Do not forget tomorrow, Tuesday, on 6 EBA FM from 5 to 6 PM I present “the Hour of Orthodoxy “. The focus will be on the coming Sunday’s epistle and gospel. On Thursday from 1:30 PM to 3 PM the divine liturgy recorded on Saturday (English) will be replayed and for 4:30 PM to 6 PM the divine liturgy recorded on Sunday (Greek) will be replayed.

Thank you for continuing support the good work of St Nektarios. We still need dried goods with long life. If you wish to contribute financially (and all contributions are welcome) then payment can be made to the general account of the church ( BSB 082057 account 608494969). If you wish to assist with our food bank, payment can be made into the following account: : BSB 082057 account 616004624.

Thought of the week

I read somewhere that we have on average some 70,000 thoughts per day – and these thoughts cascade in all directions within our mind. Unless we have a star to steer by we will be lost. Let the light of Christ be our star then let us look upon the darkness as giving clarity to the to the light. Then Christ will come into our hearts and he will lead us to safe harbour.

Till next time.

In Christ.

Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554

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