Dear all.
Gospel Reading
Yesterday’s gospel reading (Matthew 14:22 – 34) speaks to us at a deeper level than the text suggests. For us, struggling with faith, the focus should not be upon the Lord but upon Peter. It should not be upon the perfection of Divinity but rather upon what it says about our fallen and fractured humanity.
Notice with what bravado Peter addresses Christ: “Lord, if it is you, bid me to come to you on the water.” Notice further the uncertainty created by the phrase “if it is you” in his statement. Amongst the tumults and vicissitudes of our daily life even if we witness a miracle such as Peter did would we also not question our own eyes, would we not also say “Lord, if it is you”?
Peter begins with such confidence towards Christ but distracted loses resolve, doubts and begins to sink. Again, how much different is that from us in our daily lives. We begin with such certainty that we are able to, by our own efforts, attain the side of Christ. Yet how many daily distractions do we have that rob us of our will to join Christ?
I suspect Christ when he said to Peter: “Oh man of little faith, why did you doubt?” Is talking to each and every one of us. We’re all fallen and fractured. We are all sick. No matter how hard we try there always seems to be some residual doubt. The idea of leaping into the abyss in the confidence of being caught by the arms of the living God causes us such great consternation. I think that is why we fear death. I think that is why we all say in so many different ways throughout our life: “I believe Lord, help me in my unbelief!” May the Lord have mercy upon us because we cannot do it on our own.
Programme for the week.
- Tuesday (31st July) adult education: this week by request “St Paisios – his life and teachings” 6:45 PM to 7:30 PM; 7:30 PM to 8 PM fellowship. (This is the last day prior to the fast referred to below so we can have real milk in our coffee)
- From Wednesday, 1 August to 15 August we enter into a period of fast in preparation of the Dormition of the Mother of God. This is a strict fast save and except for 6 August (the Transfiguration) when fish is allowed. During the Weekdays from 3:30 PM commencing Wednesday the 1st to the 13th we will be holding the Supplicatory Canon to the Mother of God.
- On Saturday morning fourth of August divine liturgy in English from 9 AM to 10:15 PM.
Food store
Thanks be to God our Food Store is increasingly called upon to assist those in need. Last week the call was such that it made a sizeable dent in our reserves. Accordingly, I would be appreciative if you could consider contributing the following amongst your offerings: oil (olive and cooking half or 1 L), flour, sugar, tinned meats, cans of beans and pulses (Not Baked beans – we have enough those) such as cannelloni, barlotti, lentils; tinned fruit, jam and canned vegetables. We also require children’s clothing. This clothing needs to be washed and pressed and put in wrapping. It would be good if you could mark the size on the wrapper. Remember, if it is not good enough for you then it will not be not good enough for someone else. Please note as our needs change I will call upon you to make appropriate contributions. If you wish to help financially the account details are: BSB 082057 account 616004624.
Greek fires
Yesterday, in accordance with the encyclical of his Eminence we held a special memorial service for those who have lost their lives in the conflagrations in Greece. We also collected $1730 which has been sent to the Archdiocese.
Thought of the week
“As the face is reflected in water, so the heart of man reflects the man.” (Proverbs 27: 19) You see, whatever we say and whatever we do cannot go against our inner nature. Those who think good do good. Those who think evil do evil. If we seek transformation then we need to seek to weed out the tares and snares in our heart and till the soil so it is receptive to the good seed. That is the primary function of our human existence.
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554
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