Dear all.
Gospel reading
- The question raised in yesterday’s gospel reading (Luke 18:8 – 27) of “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Is for the believing Christian, the question of questions for in its answer lies our very salvation. In response, Christ places the salvation of this ruler under the purview of the old Testament.. But is that enough? This ruler certainly must have thought there was something lacking because he informs Christ that all those things referenced by him he has done since he was a boy. Now, as adult, he senses that there must be something else to salvation.
- Let us think for a moment. The law in the old Testament did no more than preclude you from doing harm. It did not bring to mind the doing of good. Today, we all live within the confines of the law and thus it can be said that we are living lawfully. But, are we living faithfully? Doing your lawful duty is precisely that. You are doing no more than what you are obliged to do but for the believing Christian what you must you do is over and above what is lawfully required of you.
- And there is! Christ informs him that this ruler still lacks one thing namely to sell all and give to the poor and to focus upon heaven and then the great invitation: “come, follow me.” Now, we are invited by Christ to realise the true objective of wealth and that objective is to meet the needs of the poor. Wealth is, if you will, the medium of salvation with the poor existing for the salvation of the rich. In order to meet this objective we, who are wealthy or think that we are wealthy, have to be transformed from thinking of wealth as ownership and possession but rather as gift and loan from God.
- The reality is that no matter how hard he tries man cannot save himself. The only way salvation through God because all things are possible with God. So how are we saved? We are saved by having our lives transformed by God. You cannot believe in something unless that something changes your life. And it can only change your life if you manifest love of neighbour as yourself.
Around our church
- The program for this week is as follows Saturday: St Savvas matins from 7:30 AM in Greek. Divine liturgy in English from 9 AM to 10:15 AM. Note the church will be closed Wednesday to Friday due to electrical works.
- Zoom class tonight from 6:30 PM.
- On Tuesday on six EBA FM from 5 to 6 PM I present “the Hour of Orthodoxy “. The focus will be on the coming Sunday’s epistle and gospel. On Thursday from 1:30 PM to 3 PM the divine liturgy recorded on Saturday (English) will be replayed and for 4:30 PM to 6 PM the divine liturgy recorded on Sunday (Greek) will be replayed.
- Zoom class on Thursday, at 7 PM. THE BOOK OF REVELATION CONTINUED.
- As you know we are collecting money to replace the carpet in the church. All donations, no matter how big or small gratefully acknowledged. As you know the carpet needs replacing. So I would encourage everybody to assist in this worthwhile project. If you can please contact me. If you wish to make direct payment into the bank account you can do so on BSB 082057 bank account 608494969.
Covid 19
From December 5th (next Saturday) all venues where public gather (including churches and other venues) are obliged to maintain a contact register. This can be done in mobile app form by downloading “safeWA”. The church of St Nektarios has a unique QR code which will be displayed at the entrance of the church. You can register through the app by scanning the code or alternatively fill in a paper-based register which will be available at the church pangari. Children under 16 accompanied by parents do not need to be registered. However over children over the age 16 are obliged to do so. If a child is unaccompanied and is under at the age of 16 then they must use the paper-based register. I am assured that the information contained in the app will only be used in the event there is a covid 19 outbreak. The information will be kept for 28 days. Likewise with the paper-based register I am obliged to keep it for 28 days. This is not the end. We will continue operating as a church and following the social distancing rules. This too will pass. So, let us continue to pray as one at the church of St Nektarios.
Thought of the week
We all love free gifts! Something for nothing is great. If someone offered us a boxed present we would tear away the wrapping to reveal the contents. We would then be ever so grateful to the giver. Why then is it that we find it so difficult to express our gratitude to the greatest giver of all? Our received grace is undeserved. Our redemptive mercy is unwarranted and yet both are given in abundance by Christ. When we will learn to seek the good portion that will never be taken away from us?
Till next time.
In Christ.
Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554