Dear all.

  • Yesterday’s gospel reading of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19 – 31) causes considerable a misunderstanding for the faithful. This is a parable for us all to be edified. If it were taken literally than the sole criterion for salvation and a life in heaven would be to share the poverty of Lazarus, and the sole criterion of condemnation and a life in hell would be to be rich. That would have course mean that the message of the gospel would be changed with salvation and damnation been determined by the size of one’s wealth. That conclusion is hardly theological sound.
  • The rich man, clothed in purple (the traditional colour of royalty) and linen (the traditional cloth of the priesthood) dined sumptuously every day. This man, unnamed, was condemned upon death to the torment of Hades. The only sin the suggested by the gospel is the sin of indifference. He does not bother himself with anything outside of his material needs and to how to best provide for them. St Thelassios, the Libyan identifies indifference as a basis of virtually all sin. Lack of awareness is negligence that has become  habit. The one thing we cannot do as Christians is to be in different.
  • Christ, abhors indifference. You either for him or against him. As Christ says: “he who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” (Luke 11:23). The failure of the rich man is akin to that of the wicked servant referred to in chapter 25 of Matthew’s gospel who buried the one talent and when called to render account was declared by his master as a wicked and slothful servant and condemned to the outer darkness.
  • So, what is the teaching of this parable? The kingdom of God requires each one of us to care for neighbour whomever that neighbour may be. With much wealth comes much responsibility. That’s the rub. The more we have the more we want and the greater our wealth the more we focus on our need and ignore neighbour, to the peril of our salvation. We can enjoy and keep the trappings of wealth to ourselves… But then comes the dreaded day of judgement.

The program this week is as follows:

  • Friday (Archangels Michael and Gabriel) matins from 7:30 AM; Friday 6:30 PM Vespers for the feast day of St Nektarios. All clergy will be present;
  • Saturday 9th of November the feast day of St Nektarios from 8 AM. All clergy will be present. 4 PM Vespers for Sunday;
  • Sunday 10th of November divine liturgy from 8 AM;
  • On Saturday we will be holding our cake stall please support it by making sweet/savoury items and by making purchases of the delightful array that will be available.
  • On Sunday we will be holding our luncheon. This is our major fundraiser event. Tickets are $30 for adults and $10 for children. We do not have any benefactors and we are reliant upon the support of the faithful to keep our church operational.

By the grace of God I have now forwarded a sketch copy of our proposed Hall to his Eminence and am awaiting his formal blessing. Once received, I will make release a sketch plan for a period of consulting with you so we make certain we get the spaces right.

It is always good to receive positive feedback: from the school chaplain at Illawarra primary: “I wanted to thank you and your parish for all the donations! It is such a help and really takes the pressure off having to ask the school to buy supplies. It was such an encouragement to me and the community to be blessed generously by your parish. The supplies will certainly last us a good period of time.”

In honour of St Nektarios my radio program this week is dedicated to this great Saint. I will be discussing the life and work of St Nektarios: Metropolitan of Pentopolis, great theologian, philosopher, moralist, educator, ascetic, mystic, miracle worker, hymnographer this and healer. The program will go to air on 6 EBA FM (95.3 on the FM dial) on Tuesday (tomorrow) 5 PM to 6 PM. It live streamed on The program is repeated on Thursday between 2 and 3 PM. Listen to the eyewitness accounts of the verifiable miracles of this major saint of our church.

Miracles are sent by God to remind us of his love for us. St Nektarios passed to the Lord on the evening of 8 November 1920 in a ward for poor incurables at the hospital of Evangelismos in Athens. In preparation of the body they removed an old sweater from the still warm body of the great Saint and placed it for convenience on the bed of a paralytic and continued preparing the body. Almost at once the paralytic arose from his bed praise in the Lord. A miracle that astounded the doctors and a miracle verifiable. May the great Saint continued to intercede for all of us.

Till next time.

In Christ.

Father John Athanasiou 0411 061 554

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