Dear all

Gospel Reading

  • Yesterday’s gospel reading for Pentecost (John 737 – 52; 8:12) reminds us that Christ is the light of the world and if we follow him we will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. As followers of Christ we become his representative to all the peoples of the world. Indeed, Paul in 2nd Corinthians declares us to be ambassadors for Christ (5:20). Now all ambassadors are called to represent those who sent them. Therefore as Christians we have a calling to be true to the teachings of the master that we represent in this world. In this way we also called to become the light of the world.
  • However, living in the world imposes its own strictures and obligations therefore we busy ourselves from morning to night concentrating upon how best we can secure our future. Therefore we exhaust our energies in our endeavour to provide for our material needs and in the process our spiritual needs become increasingly foreign and alien to us to the point where they are easily put to one side and ignored. Ask most people if they would like to work on a Sunday with its significant remuneration benefits or go to church they will generally say our bills need to be paid today and church can wait for tomorrow – but we know tomorrow is always a day away.
  • Now we all need to work. Paul tells us in his second epistle to the Thessalonians to keep away from many brother living in idleness and further, if anyone does not work then let him not eat. So, the provision for our material needs is appropriate provided that it does not consume us and further provided that we understand that whatever we receive belongs to the Lord and hence we are only stewards of whatever we control.
  • Make no mistake we are all stewards and answerable to God for what we are given. Even the poorest of us as have an obligation to render account with what they have received. You see, with Christ, the issue is not how much you received but rather what you have done with what you have received. For instance: you are destitute and receive 100 dollars. Your brother, who is just as destitute asks you for 20 dollars. Your choice is to say to your brother go away I do not have enough for myself or, here brother is the sum you seek, go in peace. The one that denies his brother is no better or different than the richest man in the world who keeps his wealth for himself. Both are equally poor in their love for the other and will be identified as wicked and slothful servants.
  • Being a Christian means we stand upright in the face of the world with all its ugliness, self-centredness and strife and proclaim that we are ambassadors for Christ and, as ambassadors, speak in behalf of the one whom we represent. As ambassadors we speak and declare our love for Christ therefore we show love to all. We share with all. Even though we are dishonoured that very dishonour makes us glorious. Even though we are slandered, we bless and meet abuse with courtesy. If we do this then we will have successfully completed the race and will hear: “well done good and faithful servant.”

Around our church

  • Now that we are approaching normality we need people to put their names down for the flower roster and for the morning tea roster. Let us remember that we are still under threat from the coronavirus and despite relaxation of the regulations we still need to remember that we have social distancing in place. We have available hand sanitisers in church and would urge you all to use them.
  • Services for this week are as follows: Thursday morning at Saint Constantine and Helene feast day of Saint Bartholomew from eight a.m. All clergy will be present. Saturday morning divine liturgy in English 9 AM to 10:15 AM.
  • A special thank you to all provided red geraniums we have now received enough plants to achieve the mass planting that we required on the inside of the boundary fence at the foot of the limestone wall. Thanks to the courtesy of a parishioner we will be establishing a rose garden as a memorial. The roses will be used in their season to decorate our church.
  • On Thursday, commencing 6:30 PM we will be continue our zoom meeting and all are invited. If you wish to join you can do so from your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device please mw. We will be ” zooming” from 6:30 PM. This week we will look at the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life.
  • Tonight I will be resuming catechism classes for those who wish to know more about their faith and for those who are being prepared for baptism. Contact me for meeting details. We will be commencing our session from 6:30 PM. The aim of the process is to learn about our faith so all aspects including theology, church history, patristics, mystagogy, faith development and spirituality would be looked at – so prepare your questions for discussion. Please have your Bibles handy.
  • Don’t forget my radio program on 6 EBA FM on Tuesday from 5 PM to 6 PM (the Hour of Orthodoxy). On each Thursday from 1:30 PM there is broadcast from the same station the divine liturgy in English that has been recorded at the church of St Nektarios the previous Saturday from 1.30 to 3 PM and from 4:30 PM to 6 PM the divine liturgy recorded on the Sunday is broadcast. You can listen via the net :
  • Thank you for continuing support the good work of St Nektarios. We still need dried goods with long life. If you wish to contribute financially (and all contributions are welcome) then payment can be made to the general account of the church (BSB 082057 account 608494969). If you wish to assist with our food bank, payment can be made into the following account: BSB 082057 account 616004624.

Thought of the week

We are our best friend or our worst enemy. Why? Because we give emotional value to everything around us. Situations in life are simply that – they happen to all of us – but the emotional value attributed is what makes us soar like an eagle or sink like a stone. So get it right! Admit that you cannot do it on your own; believe it; live it – and then, and only then – you can become a follower of Christ, and as a follower then an ambassador of Christ.

Till next time.

In Christ.

Fr John Athanasiou 0411 061 554

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