Dear all.
Do not forget… Do not forget… Mark in your diaries…
- On Saturday morning 4 August we will be conducting a service for the lesser sanctification of waters during the Divine liturgy which is in English.
- On Saturday afternoon 4 August from 3 PM to 5 PM we have a children’s religious class. I will be speaking on a topic of interest for half an hour… Then something to eat… Then (weather permitting) play… Mums please bring a Lenten plate of food to share.
- On Sunday, 5 August our ladies will be making Loukoumades (weather permitting)… Hot, sweet and Lenten – what more can you ask for!
- On Sunday, 5 August (like last week) after the Divine liturgy we will be collecting funds and conducting a service for the repose of the souls of those who have lost their lives in the recent Greek fires.
Father John
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